Pending Issues

California Supreme Court, Pending Issues Summaries

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New and Pending California State Legislation

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Important Dates (2024)

Jan. 3, 2024: Legislature reconvenes.

Feb. 16, 2024: Last day for bills to be introduced.

May. 24, 2024: Last day for each house to pass bills introduced in that house.

Aug. 31, 2024: Last day for bills to be passed.

Sep. 30, 2024: Last day for Governor to sign or veto bills passed by Legislature.

Table of New and Pending Legislation (2023-2024)

Archives: 2021-2022

This table includes all criminal, juvenile, and civil commitment legislation from the 2023-2024 regular session that we are aware of and have determined to be relevant to our practice. You can register to receive status updates on these and other bills through the California Legislative Information website. At the top of the webpage for the bill on which you want to receive updates, select “Track Bill” and follow the prompts.

Bill Practice Area Status Introduced
Summary (Enacted Bills Only)
AB 0015: Public records: parole calculations and inmate release credits Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
AB 0018: Controlled substances Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
AB 0020: Postadoption contact agreements: reinstatement of parental rights Dependency

Vetoed by Governor Oct. 8, 2023. Veto message.

Dec. 5, 2022
AB 0021: Peace officers: training Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
AB 0023: Theft: shoplifting: amount Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
AB 0027: Sentencing: firearms enhancements Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
AB 0032: Violent felonies: hate crimes Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
AB 0036: Domestic violence protective orders: possession of a firearm Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
AB 0058: Deferred entry of judgment pilot program Criminal


Dec. 6, 2022 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 1000.7 to extend the deferred entry of judgment pilot program to January 1, 2026 and removes Napa and Ventura from counties authorized to establish a pilot program.

AB 0061: Criminal procedure: arraignment Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 6, 2022
AB 0067: Homeless Courts Pilot Program Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Dec. 7, 2022
AB 0075: Shoplifting: increased penalties for prior crimes Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 14, 2022
AB 0076: Money laundering: blockchain technology Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Dec. 14, 2022
AB 0078: Grand juries Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 15, 2022
AB 0079: Weapons: robotic devices and unmanned aircrafts Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 15, 2022
AB 0081: Indian children: child custody proceedings Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Dec. 15, 2022
AB 0088: Criminal procedure: victims' rights Criminal


Jan. 4, 2023 Oct. 13, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Double jointed with AB 600 and amends PC 1172.1 and 3043 to require a crime victim who wishes to be heard at resentencing to notify the prosecution within 15 days of being notified of the resentencing hearing. Requires the court to provide the victim an opportunity to be heard.

AB 0089: Parole hearings: attorney notice Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 4, 2023
AB 0092: Body armor: prohibition Criminal


Jan. 5, 2023 Sep. 26, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 31360 to make it a misdemeanor for a person prohibited from possessing a firearm to possess body armor.

AB 0093: Criminal procedure: consensual searches Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Jan. 9, 2023
AB 0134: Public safety trailer bill Delinquency


Jan. 9, 2023 Jul. 10, 2023 Jul. 10, 2023

Among other changes, makes various amendments to WIC 875, governing secure track commitments in delinquency cases.

Note: This bill took effect immediately upon enactment on Jul. 10, 2023. Attorneys litigating secure track issues should review the amendments to WIC 875 in detail.

AB 0229: Violent felonies Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Jan. 11, 2023
AB 0257: Encampments: penalties Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Jan. 19, 2023
AB 0272: Criminal procedure: search warrants Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Jan. 23, 2023
AB 0304: Domestic violence: probation Criminal

Vetoed by Governor Oct. 8, 2023. Veto message.

Jan. 26, 2023
AB 0328: Sentencing: dismissal of enhancements Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Jan. 30, 2023
AB 0329: Crime: penalties for shoplifting and petty theft Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Jan. 30, 2023
AB 0367: Controlled substances: enhancements Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 1, 2023
AB 0391: Child abuse and neglect: nonmandated reporters Criminal


Feb. 2, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 11167 to require an agency receiving a report from a nonmandated reporter to ask the reporter to provide specified information, including their name, telephone number, and the information that gave rise to the knowledge or reasonable suspicion of child abuse or neglect. If the reporter refuses to provide their name or telephone number, the bill would require the agency receiving the report to make an effort to determine the basis for the refusal and advise the reporter that the identifying information would remain confidential.

AB 0442: State summary criminal history information Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 6, 2023
AB 0443: Peace officers: determination of bias Criminal


Feb. 6, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2026

Amends PC 13510.6 to require POST to establish a definition of “biased conduct,” as specified, and would require law enforcement agencies to use that definition in any investigation into a bias-related complaint or an incident that involves possible indications of officer bias, and to determine if any racial profiling occurred, as defined. The bill would also require POST to develop guidance for local law enforcement departments on performing effective internet and social media screenings of officer applicants.

Note: The amendment does not take effect until Jan. 1, 2026.

AB 0448: Juveniles: relative placement: family finding Dependency

Vetoed by Governor Oct. 8, 2023. Veto message.

Feb. 6, 2023
AB 0455: Firearms: prohibited persons Criminal


Feb. 6, 2023 Sep. 26, 2023 Jul. 1, 2024

Amends PC 1001.36 to provide that, where a defendant is granted mental health diversion, “[t]he prosecution may request an order from the court that the defendant be prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm until they successfully complete diversion.”

Note: The amendment does not take effect until Jul. 1, 2024.

AB 0467: Domestic violence: restraining orders Criminal


Feb. 6, 2023 Jun. 29, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 136.2(i), which authorizes the issuance of a protective order of up to 10 years in cases where the defendant was convicted of domestic violence or other specified offenses, to clarify that such an order may be modified by the sentencing court at any time throughout the duration of the order.

AB 0479: Alternative domestic violence program Criminal


Feb. 7, 2023 Jul. 21, 2023 Jul. 21, 2023

Amends PC 1203.099 to extend, until Jul. 1, 2026, the authorization for the counties of Napa, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and Yolo to offer alternative programs for individuals convicted of domestic violence.

Note: This bill took effect immediately upon enactment on Jul. 21, 2023.

AB 0484: Sentencing enhancements: property loss Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 7, 2023
AB 0508: Probation: environmental crimes Criminal


Feb. 7, 2023 Sep. 30, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Adds PC 1204.1 , which authorizes a court, for entities with more than 10 employees, to impose a period of probation for a maximum period of 5 years in specified crimes relating to, among other things, dumping in waterways, pesticides, oil dumping and spills, waste management, and animal cruelty.

AB 0523: Organized retail theft: cargo Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 7, 2023
AB 0567: Criminal records: relief Criminal


Feb. 8, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jul. 1, 2024

Amends PC 1203.425 to require the DOJ to provide confirmation that automatic conviction record relief was granted upon request from the subject of the record.

AB 0600: Criminal procedure: resentencing Criminal


Feb. 9, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 1172.1 to authorize a court to resentence a defendant on its own motion “at any time if the applicable sentencing laws at the time of original sentencing are subsequently changed by new statutory authority or case law.” Makes various related changes to PC 1172.1.

AB 0642: Law enforcement agencies: facial recognition technology Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 9, 2023
AB 0667: Firearms: gun violence restraining orders Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 13, 2023
AB 0701: Controlled substances: fentanyl Criminal


Feb. 13, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends HSC 11370.4 and HSC 11372, the weight-based sentencing enhancements applicable to the trafficking of specified controlled substances, to apply to the trafficking of fentanyl.

AB 0709: Criminal history information Criminal


Feb. 13, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 13300 to allow a prosecutor to disclose to “a public defender’s office, an alternate public defender’s office, or a licensed attorney of record” a list of cases that may involve Brady evidence relating to a testifying peace officer.

AB 0725: Firearms: reporting of lost and stolen firearms Criminal


Feb. 13, 2023 Sep. 26, 2023 Jan. 1, 2026

Amends PC 16520 to expand the definition of a firearm to include the frame or receiver of the weapon, including both a completed frame or receiver, or a firearm precursor part.

AB 0729: Elder abuse Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 13, 2023
AB 0732: Crimes: relinquishment of firearms Criminal


Feb. 13, 2023 Sep. 26, 2024 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 29810 to provide that a defendant required to relinquish their firearms following a conviction must do so within 48 hours of the conviction if they are out of custody.

AB 0742: Law enforcement: police canines Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 13, 2023
AB 0758: Firearms Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 13, 2023
AB 0763: Sexually violent predators: conditional release: placement location Civil Commitment

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 13, 2023
AB 0771: Crimes: assault by administering substance Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 13, 2023
AB 0780: Crimes: larceny Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 13, 2023
AB 0791: Postconviction bail Criminal


Feb. 13, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 1166 and 1272 to prohibit a court from granting postconviction bail to a person convicted of an offense punishable by death or life without the possibility of parole, and to require the court to remand the person into custody upon conviction.

AB 0798: Female genital mutilation Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2023
AB 0806: Criminal procedure: crimes in multiple jurisdictions Criminal


Feb. 13, 2023 Oct. 10, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 784.7 to provide that “if more than one violation of … any crime of domestic violence … occurs in more than one jurisdictional territory, and the defendant and the victim are the same for all of the offenses, the jurisdiction of any of those offenses and for any offenses properly joinable with that offense is in any jurisdiction where at least one of the offenses occurred,” subject to a hearing and the agreement of the district attorneys in all of the involved counties.

AB 0808: Crimes: rape Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 13, 2023
AB 0819: Crimes: public transportation: fare evasion Criminal

Vetoed by Governor Oct. 8, 2023. Veto message.

Feb. 13, 2023
AB 0829: Crime: animal abuse Criminal


Feb. 13, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Adds PC 600.8 to require a court to order a person placed on probation for specified animal abuse offenses to successfully complete counseling, and to require the court to also consider ordering the person to undergo a mental health evaluation for the purpose of determining whether a “higher level of treatment” is necessary, in which case the person must complete that level of treatment.

AB 0852: Sentencing: bias Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2023
AB 0855: Criminal procedure: fines, fees, and restitution Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 14, 2023
AB 0867: Foster youth Dependency

Vetoed by Governor Oct. 8, 2023. Veto message.

Feb. 14, 2023
AB 0881: Juror fees: pilot program General

Vetoed by Governor Oct. 8, 2023. Veto message.

Feb. 14, 2023
AB 0890: Controlled substances: probation Criminal


Feb. 14, 2023 Oct. 13, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Adds HSC 11356.6 to require a court to order a defendant placed on probation for specified drug offenses involving either fentanyl or another specified opiate to complete a fentanyl and synthetic opiate education program. Makes related changes to HSC 11373.

AB 0937: Dependency: family reunification services Dependency


Feb. 14, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends WIC 366.22 to require a juvenile court, when it finds at an 18-month review hearing that reasonable reunification services were not provided to the parent, to order that six additional months of services be provided, unless the court finds, by clear and convincing evidence, that continuing the matter would be detrimental to the child. Makes various related changes.

AB 0954: Dependency: court-ordered services Dependency


Feb. 14, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends WIC 362 to provide, “When making reasonable orders under this section, the court shall inquire whether a parent or guardian can afford the court-ordered services.”

Adds WIC 362.8 to provide, “At a review hearing where a parent or guardian’s participation in reunification or family maintenance services is considered by the court, … the parent or guardian shall not be considered to be noncompliant with the court-ordered case plan when the court finds that the parent or guardian is unable to pay for a service or that payment for a service would create an undue financial hardship for the parent or guardian, and the social worker did not provide a comparable free service that was accessible and available to the parent or guardian to comply with the case plan during the period subject to the court’s review.”

AB 0977: Emergency departments: assault and battery Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 14, 2023
AB 1028: Reporting of crimes: mandated reporters Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2023
AB 1034: Law enforcement: facial recognition and other biometric surveillance Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2023
AB 1039: Sexual activity with detained persons Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 15, 2023
AB 1058: Controlled substances: fentanyl Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 15, 2023
AB 1064: Hate crimes Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 15, 2023
AB 1067: Vehicle accidents: fleeing the scene of an accident Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 15, 2023
AB 1089: Firearms Criminal


Feb. 15, 2023 Sep. 26, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 3273.50, 3273.60, 3273.61, 3273.62, 29010, and 29185. Requires anyone who uses a 3D printer or CNC milling machine to manufacture a firearm to be a state-licensed manufacturer. Prohibits the sale, purchase, possession, or receipt of a 3D printer that has the sole or primary function of manufacturing firearms by anyone not licensed.

AB 1104: Corrections and rehabilitation: sentencing Criminal


Feb. 15, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 1170(a)(1) to provide that “the deprivation of liberty [due to incarceration] satisfies the punishment purpose of sentencing,” and that “[t]he purpose of incarceration is rehabilitation and successful community reintegration achieved through education, treatment, and active participation in rehabilitative and restorative justice programs.”

Amends PC 1170(a)(2) to declare that “community-based organizations are an integral part of achieving the state’s objective of ensuring that all people incarcerated in a state prison have access to rehabilitative programs,” and to direct CDCR to “facilitate access for community-based programs.”

AB 1112: Foster youth Dependency

Vetoed by Governor Oct. 8, 2023. Veto message.

Feb. 15, 2023
AB 1118: Criminal procedure: discrimination Criminal


Feb. 15, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 745 (the Racial Justice Act) to clarify that, “[f]or claims based on the trial record, a defendant may raise a claim alleging a violation of PC 745(a) on direct appeal from the conviction or sentence,” and “may also move to stay the appeal and request remand to the superior court to file a motion pursuant to this section.”

AB 1134: Family reunification services Dependency

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 15, 2023
AB 1177: Parole: hearing records Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 16, 2023
AB 1186: Juveniles: restitution Delinquency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2023
AB 1209: Criminal procedure: public defenders Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 16, 2023
AB 1214: Courts: remote technology General

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2023
AB 1226: Corrections: Placement of incarcerated persons Criminal


Feb. 16, 2023 Jul. 21, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 5068 to require CDCR to place an incarcerated person who either has a parent-child relationship with a child or is a guardian or relative caregiver of a child “in the correctional institution or facility that is located nearest to the primary place of residence of the person’s child, provided that the placement is suitable and appropriate, would facilitate increased contact between the person and their child, and the [person] gives their consent to the placement.”

AB 1253: Hearsay: exceptions Civil Commitment


Feb. 16, 2023 Oct. 7, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Adds EC 1285 to provide that, when included “within an official written report or record of a law enforcement officer regarding a sexual offense that resulted in a person’s conviction,” the following statements are not made inadmissible by the hearsay rule at a probable cause hearing under the SVP Act: “(a) A statement from a victim of the sexual offense. (b) A statement from an eyewitness to the sexual offense. (c) A statement from a sexual assault medical examiner who examined a victim of the sexual offense.”

AB 1260: Parole: notice of release date Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 16, 2023
AB 1266: Infractions: warrants and penalties Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2023
AB 1306: State government: immigration enforcement Criminal

Vetoed by Governor Sept. 22, 2023. Veto message.

Feb. 16, 2023
AB 1310: Sentencing: recall and resentencing Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2023
AB 1371: Unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor Criminal


Feb. 17, 2023 Oct. 13, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 261.5 to prohibit a person placed on probation for violating PC 261.5(d) (unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor under 16 years of age when 21 years of age or older) from “complet[ing] their community service at a school or location where children congregate.”

AB 1378: Criminal procedure: protective order violation Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1380: Crimes: disorderly conduct Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 16, 2023
AB 1412: Pretrial diversion: borderline personality disorder Criminal


Feb. 17, 2023 Oct. 10, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 1001.36 to remove borderline personality disorder from the list of mental disorders excluded from mental health diversion.

AB 1416: Parole hearings Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1483: Firearms: purchase Criminal


Feb. 17, 2023 Sep. 26, 2023 Jan. 1, 2025

Amends PC 27535 by deleting the private party transaction exemption to the prohibition on making more than one application to purchase a handgun within any 30-day period. Adds an exemption for any private party transaction where the seller is, at the time of the transaction, required under state law or by court order to relinquish all firearms, and for any private party transaction where the seller is transferring the firearms as a result of the death of the owner of the firearms, as specified.

AB 1497: Criminal procedure Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1523: Youth offender parole hearings Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1539: Elections: double voting Criminal


Feb. 17, 2023 Oct. 10, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Adds Elections Code 18560.1 to make it a misdemeanor for a person to vote or attempt to vote in an election held in California and in an election held in another state on the same date.

AB 1544: Child Abuse Central Index Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1551: Vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1582: Secure youth treatment facilities Delinquency

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1584: Criminal procedure: competence to stand trial Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1602: Crimes: disorderly conduct Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1643: Juveniles: informal supervision Delinquency


Feb. 17, 2023 Oct. 13, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends WIC 653.5 and 654.3 to increase, from $1,000 to $5,000, the threshold amount of victim restitution that requires a probation officer to commence delinquency proceedings within 48 hours, and that makes a minor presumptively ineligible for informal supervision.

AB 1708: Theft Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1721: Crimes: false depictions Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1726: Crimes: sentences Criminal

Vetoed by Governor Oct. 8, 2023. Veto message.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1742: Evidence: admissibility General

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1744: Evidence: examination of witnesses General

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1746: Inmate firefighters: credits Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
AB 1772: Theft Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 3, 2024
AB 1779: Theft: jurisdiction Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 3, 2024
AB 1787: Crimes: shoplifting Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 4, 2024
AB 1794: Crimes: larceny Criminal

Pending in Legislature

Jan. 4, 2024
AB 1802: Crimes: organized theft Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 8, 2024
AB 1803: Criminal procedure: restitution Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 8, 2024
AB 1804: Crime: fentanyl trafficking Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 8, 2024
AB 1809: Recall and resentencing Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 9, 2024
AB 1814: Law enforcement agencies: facial recognition technology Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 10, 2024
AB 1822: Criminal defendant: mental competency to stand trial Civil Commitment

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 11, 2024
AB 1831: Crimes: child pornography Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 12, 2024
AB 1848: Controlled substances: fentanyl Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 17, 2024
AB 1856: Disorderly conduct: distribution of intimate images Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 18, 2024
AB 1872: Crimes: extortion Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 22, 2024
AB 1873: Crimes: sexual exploitation of a child Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 22, 2024
AB 1874: Crimes: disorderly conduct Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 22, 2024
AB 1877: Juveniles: sealing records Delinquency

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 22, 2024
AB 1892: Interception of electronic communications Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 22, 2024
AB 1896: Secure youth treatment facilities Delinquency

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 23, 2024
AB 1898: Crimes: child pornography: early release credits Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 23, 2024
AB 1906: Persons with disabilities: terminology Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 23, 2024
AB 1909: Criminal fines: collection Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 24, 2024
AB 1959: Innocence Commission Pilot Programs: Post-Conviction Justice Unit Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 29, 2024
AB 1960: Sentencing enhancements: property loss Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 29, 2024
AB 1962: Crimes: disorderly conduct Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 29, 2024
AB 1972: Organized retail theft: cargo Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 30, 2024
AB 1978: Vehicles: speed contests Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 30, 2024
AB 1990: Criminal procedure: arrests: shoplifting Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 30, 2024
AB 2021: Crimes: selling or furnishing tobacco or related products and paraphernalia to underage persons Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 31, 2024
AB 2034: Crimes: loitering for the purpose of engaging in a prostitution offense Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 1, 2024
AB 2035: Sexually violent predators: conditional release Civil Commitment

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 1, 2024
AB 2045: Controlled substances: fentanyl trafficking penalties Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 1, 2024
AB 2099: Crimes: reproductive health services Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 5, 2024
AB 2106: Probation Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 5, 2024
AB 2108: Missing Children and Nonminor Dependents Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 5, 2024
AB 2120: Trespass Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 6, 2024
AB 2151: Bail Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 6, 2024
AB 2160: California Women’s Care Act Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 6, 2024
AB 2176: Juveniles: access to education Delinquency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 7, 2024
AB 2210: Driving under the influence: ignition interlock devices Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 7, 2024
AB 2215: Criminal procedure: arrests Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 7, 2024
AB 2224: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 7, 2024
AB 2280: Jails: confidential calls Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 8, 2024
AB 2281: Tribal judges Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 8, 2024
AB 2282: Reunification Services Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 8, 2024
AB 2295: Crimes: commencement of prosecution Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 12, 2024
AB 2296: Enhancements: concentrated cannabis Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 12, 2024
AB 2308: Domestic violence: protective orders Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 12, 2024
AB 2309: City attorney: state law: misdemeanor Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 12, 2024
AB 2336: Controlled substances: armed possession: fentanyl Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 12, 2024
AB 2341: Criminal procedure: sentencing credits Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 12, 2024
AB 2385: Vehicles: removal and impoundment Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 12, 2024
AB 2391: Bail: pretrial release Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 12, 2024
AB 2406: Crimes: theft Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 12, 2024
AB 2419: Search warrants: child prostitution Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
AB 2420: Criminal records: sealing Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
AB 2438: Property crimes: enhancements Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
AB 2456: Criminal law: civil compromise Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
AB 2468: Crimes: child neglect Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
AB 2470: Violent felonies: domestic violence Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
AB 2475: Parole Civil Commitment

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
AB 2483: Postconviction proceedings Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
AB 2518: Firearms: prohibited persons Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
AB 2519: Misdemeanor offenses: deferral of sentencing: firearms prohibition Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
AB 2521: Criminal procedure: confidentiality and DNA testing Criminal


Feb. 13, 2024 Jul. 18, 2024 Jan. 1, 2025

Amends PC 987.9 and 1405 to allow any prosecuting agency representing the state on appeal (not just the AG) in a capital case access to the application and contents of the application for specified funds by an indigent defendant when relevant to an issue raised by the defendant. Any prosecuting agency shall be provided with funding records at their request when the defendant raises an issue related to the application for funds on appeal or in a collateral review where an order to show cause has issued. If a court grants a motion for DNA testing in a felony case where the person is incarcerated, the lab conducting the test must be mutually agreed upon by the person filing the motion and the AG/DA, regardless of whether the case is capital or noncapital.

AB 2551: Crimes: elder abuse Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024
AB 2576: Diversion: attempted murder Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024
AB 2603: Hate crimes: search warrants Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024
AB 2604: Hate crimes Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024
AB 2609: Crimes: false reporting Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024
AB 2646: Crimes: loitering for the purpose of engaging in a prostitution offense Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024
AB 2664: Reunification Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024
AB 2681: Weapons: robotic devices and unmanned aircrafts Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024
AB 2692: Criminal procedure: competence to stand trial Civil Commitment

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024
AB 2752: Visitation Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2782: Controlled substances: fentanyl Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2788: Crimes Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2814: Crimes: unlawful entry: intent to commit package theft Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2823: Crimes: vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2830: Relative Placement Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2833: Evidence: restorative justice communications Criminal

Ordered inactive.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2840: Secure youth treatment facilities Delinquency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2846: Controlled substances: synthetic cannabinoid compounds and derivatives Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2907: Firearms: restrained persons Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2923: Peace officers: public complaints Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2929: Family Finding Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2943: Crimes: shoplifting Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
AB 2964: Crimes: animal cruelty Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 2984: Fleeing the scene of an accident Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3029: Controlled substances Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3032: Crimes: child neglect: serious felony Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3037: Sentencing: dismissal of enhancements Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3049: Minor's Counsel Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3077: Criminal procedure: borderline personality disorder Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3088: Criminal procedure: writ of habeas corpus Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3109: Theft Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3145: Family Preservation Services Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3171: Controlled substances: fentanyl Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3182: Child abuse: social worker liability Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3231 Violent felonies: hate crimes Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
AB 3241: Law enforcement: police canines Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
SB 0002: Firearms Criminal


Dec. 5, 2022 Sep. 26, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

In response to New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v. Bruen (2022) 142 S.Ct. 2111, amends various provisions relating to carrying concealed firearms and carry concealed weapons (CCW) licenses.

SB 0009: Raising the Age for Extended Foster Care Pilot Program Act of 2023 Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Dec. 5, 2022
SB 0013: Controlled substances Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
SB 0014: Serious felonies: human trafficking Criminal


Dec. 5, 2022 Sep. 25, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 1192.7(c) to expand the definition of “serious felony” to include “human trafficking of a minor, in violation of PC 236.1(c), except, with respect to a violation of PC 236.1(c)(1), where the person who committed the offense was a victim of human trafficking, as described in PC 236.1(b) or (c), at the time of the offense.”

SB 0022: Courts: remote proceedings General

Pending in Legislature.

Dec. 5, 2022
SB 0031: Encampments: sensitive areas: penalties Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
SB 0036: Out-of-state criminal charges: prosecution related to abortion, contraception, reproductive care, and gender-affirming care Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
SB 0043: Behavioral health Civil Commitment


Dec. 5, 2022 Oct. 10, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends WIC 5008 to expand the definition of “gravely disabled” for the purposes of the LPS Act to include “[a] condition in which a person, as a result of … a severe substance use disorder, or a co-occurring mental health disorder and a severe substance use disorder, is unable to provide for their basic personal needs for food, clothing, shelter, personal safety, or necessary medical care.”

Adds WIC 5122 to provide that “the statement of a health practitioner … included in the medical record is not made inadmissible by the hearsay rule” at an LPS trial, where (1) “the statement pertains to the [proposed conservatee’s] symptoms or behavior stemming from a mental health disorder or severe substance use disorder that [an expert witness] relies upon to explain the basis for their opinion”; (2) “the statement is based on the observation of the declarant”; and (3) “the court finds, in a hearing conducted outside the presence of the jury, that the time, content, and circumstances of the statement provide sufficient indicia of reliability.”

SB 0044: Controlled substances Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Dec. 5, 2022
SB 0046: Controlled substances: treatment Criminal


Dec. 5, 2022 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends HSC 11373 to provide that “[w]hen a person who is otherwise eligible for probation is granted probation by the trial court or sentenced pursuant to PC 1170(h), after conviction for a violation of any controlled substance offense … , the trial court shall, as a condition of probation, order that person to complete successfully a controlled substance education or treatment program, as appropriate for the individual.” Makes various related changes.

SB 0050: Vehicles: enforcement Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Dec. 5, 2022
SB 0058: Controlled substances: decriminalization of certain hallucinogenic substances Criminal

Vetoed by Governor Oct. 7, 2023. Veto message.

Dec. 16, 2022
SB 0062: Controlled substances: fentanyl Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Jan. 4, 2023
SB 0064: Hate crimes: search warrants Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Jan. 4, 2023
SB 0078: Criminal procedure: factual innocence Criminal


Jan. 12, 2023 Oct. 10, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Makes various defense-friendly changes to the provisions governing wrongful conviction compensation, including by amending PC 1485.55 to authorize a person to petition for such compensation if the court grants a writ of habeas corpus or vacates a judgment and the charges against the person are subsequently dismissed or the person is acquitted on retrial.

SB 0081: Parole hearings Criminal

Vetoed by Governor Oct. 8, 2023. Veto message.

Jan. 12, 2023
SB 0089: Crimes: stalking Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 17, 2023
SB 0094: Recall and resentencing: special circumstances Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 18, 2023
SB 0097: Criminal procedure: writ of habeas corpus Criminal


Jan. 18, 2023 Oct. 7, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 1473 in various defense-friendly ways, including by: (1) providing that “false evidence” giving rise to a habeas claim need be only “material on the issue of guilt or punishment,” not “substantially material”; (2) redefining “new evidence” giving rise to a habeas claim as “evidence that has not previously been presented and heard at trial and has been discovered after trial”; and (3) providing that if the DA or AG “concedes or stipulates to a factual or legal basis for habeas relief, there shall be a presumption in favor of granting relief.”

SB 0226: Controlled substances: armed possession: fentanyl Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 19, 2023
SB 0232: Mental health services: gravely disabled Civil Commitment

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Jan. 24, 2023
SB 0237: Controlled substances: fentanyl Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Jan. 24, 2023
SB 0250: Controlled substances: punishment Criminal


Jan. 26, 2023 Jul. 21, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Adds HSC 11376.6 to specify that “it shall not be a crime for a person to possess for personal use a controlled substance … if the person delivers the controlled substance … to the local public health department or law enforcement and notifies them of the likelihood that other batches of the controlled substance may have been adulterated with other substances, if known,” and to provide that such a person’s identity “shall remain confidential.”

SB 0268: Crimes: serious and violent felonies Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 31, 2023
SB 0281: Crimes: aggravated arson Criminal


Feb. 1, 2023 Oct. 10, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 451.5 to: (1) increase the threshold amount for the property-damage aggravating factor for aggravated arson from $8.3 million to $10.1 million; (2) exclude from the calculation of the threshold amount “damage to, or destruction of, inhabited dwellings”; and (3) extend the operation of the property-damage aggravating factor to Jan. 1, 2029.

SB 0316: Shoplifting: increased penalties for prior crimes Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 6, 2023
SB 0349: Criminal procedure: competence to stand trial Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 8, 2023
SB 0407: Foster care: resource families Dependency


Feb. 9, 2023 Sep. 23, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends WIC 16519.5 to: (1) require resource families to demonstrate “[a]n ability and willingness to meet the needs of the child regardless of the child’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, and that, should difficulties around these issues arise, a willingness to obtain resources offered by the county or foster family agency or other available resources to meet those needs”; and (2) require counties to ensure that their caregiver training supports children “of all races, ethnic group identifications, ancestries, national origins, colors, religions, sexes, sexual orientations, gender identities, mental or physical disabilities, or HIV statuses.”

SB 0408: Foster youth with complex needs: regional health teams Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 9, 2023
SB 0441: Criminal procedure: discovery Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2023
SB 0442: Sexual battery Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2023
SB 0448: Juveniles: detention hearings Delinquency


Feb. 13, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends WIC 635 and 636 to prohibit a juvenile court from detaining a minor “based solely on the minor’s county of residence,” and to specify that “a minor shall be given equal consideration for release on home supervision pursuant to WIC 628.1, which may include electronic monitoring pursuant to WIC 628.2, regardless of whether the minor lives in the county where the offense occurred.”

SB 0453: Criminal procedure: speedy trial Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 13, 2023
SB 0463: Dependent children Dependency


Feb. 13, 2023 Oct. 10, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends WIC 366.21 and 366.22 to remove the presumption that a parent’s failure to “participate regularly and make substantive progress in court-ordered treatment programs” is prima facie evidence that return of the child to the parent’s custody would be detrimental.

SB 0468: Trespass Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 13, 2023
SB 0492: Pretrial diversion for veterans Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 14, 2023
SB 0545: Juveniles: transfer to court of criminal jurisdiction Delinquency


Feb. 15, 2023 Oct. 10, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends WIC 707 to require a juvenile court to consider the minor’s “involvement in the child welfare or foster care system” and “status as a victim of human trafficking, sexual abuse, or sexual battery” when determining whether to transfer the minor’s case to adult criminal court.

Adds WIC 707.2 to provide that if a juvenile court “receives evidence [during a transfer hearing] that the minor was trafficked, sexually abused, or sexually battered by the alleged victim prior to or during the commission of the alleged offense, the minor shall be retained under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court unless the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that the person against whom the minor is accused of committing an offense did not traffic, sexually abuse, or sexually batter the minor.”

Amends WIC 707.5 provide that if a court “receives evidence [in connection with a motion for return to juvenile court for disposition] that the minor was trafficked, sexually abused, or sexually battered by the alleged victim prior to or during the commission of the alleged offense, the case shall be returned to juvenile court … unless the court finds, by clear and convincing evidence, that the person against whom the charged offense was committed had not sexually abused, sexually battered, or trafficked the minor prior to or during the commission of the alleged offense.”

SB 0578: Juvenile court: dependents: removal Dependency


Feb. 15, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends WIC 319 to: (1) require the social worker’s detention report to include various information regarding the harms to the child that may result from removal and the “least disruptive alternatives to returning the child to the custody of their parent, guardian, or Indian custodian”; and (2) require the juvenile court, if it finds that removal is necessary, to set forth various information in a written order or on the record, including the basis for its findings, whether its placement determination “complies with … less disruptive alternatives,” and “any orders necessary to alleviate any disruption or harm to the child resulting from removal.”

SB 0590: Crimes: homicide Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 15, 2023
SB 0602: Trespass Criminal


Feb. 15, 2023 Oct. 7, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends PC 602(o) to extend the duration of trespass requests for assistance to either 12 months or a period determined by local ordinance, whichever is shorter, for properties where there is a fire hazard or the owner is absent.

SB 0690: Domestic violence Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2023
SB 0749: Criminal procedure: sentencing Criminal


Feb. 17, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023

Amends PC 1170.18 to remove the November 4, 2022 deadline for petitions seeking reduction of prior felony convictions under Prop 47.

Note: This bill took effect immediately upon enactment on Oct. 8, 2023.

SB 0753: Cannabis: water resources Criminal


Feb. 17, 2023 Oct. 8, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends HSC 11358 to provide that cultivation of more than six cannabis plants is a wobbler where the cultivation intentionally or with gross negligence causes substantial environmental harm to “surface or ground water.”

SB 0758: Firearms Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 17, 2023
SB 0763: Criminal records Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
SB 0796: Threats Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 17, 2023
SB 0804: Criminal procedure: hearsay testimony at preliminary hearings Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 17, 2023
SB 0824: Foster care Dependency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 17, 2023
SB 0832: Sexually violent predators Civil Commitment

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
SB 0843: Factual innocence Criminal

Not passed by Legislature – dead.

Feb. 17, 2023
SB 0852: Searches: supervised persons Criminal


Feb. 17, 2023 Sep. 22, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Amends various provisions relating to probation and mandatory supervision to clarify that, where a person is subject to search or seizure as part of their terms and conditions of probation or mandatory supervision, the person is subject to search or seizure “only by a probation officer or other peace officer.”

SB 0883: Public Safety Omnibus Criminal


Mar. 7, 2023 Oct. 4, 2023 Jan. 1, 2024

Among other changes:

Amends PC 192(e) to specify that “gross negligence” for the purposes of vehicular manslaughter may include “engaging in a motor vehicle speed contest” rather than “an exhibition of speed.”

Amends PC 1004 to provide that a defendant may demur to the accusatory pleading at any time before entry of a plea where “the statutory provision alleged in the accusatory pleading is constitutionally invalid.” 

Amends WIC 628.2 to clarify that a review hearing for a minor placed on electronic monitoring must occur “no less than” every 30 days.

SB 0894: Sexual exploitation by a member of the clergy Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 3, 2024
SB 0899: Protective orders: firearms Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 3, 2024
SB 0902: Firearms: public safety Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 3, 2024
SB 0905: Unlawful entry of a vehicle Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 4, 2024
SB 0912: Colorimetric field drug tests Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 8, 2024
SB 0921: Animal welfare Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 11, 2024
SB 0922: Animal cruelty Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 11, 2024
SB 0923: Theft Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 11, 2024
SB 0928: Crimes: organized theft Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 12, 2024
SB 0933: Crimes: child pornography Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 16, 2024
SB 0950: Reentry from incarceration: programs and benefits Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 18, 2024
SB 0970: Artificial intelligence technology Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 25, 2024
SB 0982: Crimes: organized theft Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 29, 2024
SB 0987: Pretrial release: pretrial assessment agencies Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Jan. 30, 2024
SB 1001: Death penalty: intellectually disabled persons Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 1, 2024
SB 1002: Firearms: prohibited persons Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 1, 2024
SB 1005: Juveniles Delinquency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 1, 2024
SB 1011: Encampments: penalties Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 5, 2024
SB 1025: Pretrial diversion for veterans Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 6, 2024
SB 1035: Criminal procedure: fines, fees, and restitution Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 6, 2024
SB 1074: Sexually violent predators Civil Commitment

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 12, 2024
SB 1126: Domestic Violence Dependency

Ordered to inactive file at author’s request.

Feb. 13, 2024
SB 1128: Sex offender registration: unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
SB 1133: Bail Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 13, 2024
SB 1161: Juveniles Delinquency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024
SB 1184: Mental health: involuntary treatment: antipsychotic medication Civil Commitment

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 14, 2024

Pending in Legislature.

SB 1219: Crimes: prostitution Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
SB 1238: Mental health: involuntary treatment Civil Commitment

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
SB 1253: Firearms: firearm safety certificates Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
SB 1256: Crimes: prostitution: sex offender registration and DNA collection Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
SB 1275: Sex offenses involving a minor Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 15, 2024
SB 1323: Criminal procedure: competence to stand trial Civil Commitment

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
SB 1343: Criminal prosecution: statutes of limitation Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
SB 1353: Youth Bill of Rights Delinquency


Feb. 16, 2024 Jul. 18, 2024 Jan. 1, 2025

Amends WIC 224.71 to add to the Youth Bill of Rights the right to receive adequate, appropriate, and timely behavioral health services, as specified.

SB 1381: Crime: graffiti Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
SB 1392: Criminal procedure: competence to stand trial Civil Commitment

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
SB 1400: Criminal procedure: competence to stand trial Civil Commitment

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
SB 1414: Crimes: solicitation of a minor Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
SB 1430: Factual innocence Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
SB 1484: Jurisdiction of juvenile court Delinquency

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
SB 1489: Controlled substances Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Feb. 16, 2024
SB 1518: Public Safety Omnibus Criminal

Pending in Legislature.

Mar. 4, 2024